What Are the Best Probiotics for Diarrhea? The Health Secrets

best probiotics for diarrhea


​I know what you’re thinking… 

Nobody likes to talk about diarrhea. 

​How about the Best ​Probiotics for ​Diarrhea​

​​Here’s ​why this is important… 

​So stick with me here, because… 

What good is healthy, nutritious food if you cannot digest it properly? 


​You’re about to find out... 

The process of digesting actually begins as soon as we put something in our mouth. 

Our saliva contains electrolytes and enzymes that help us break down food and swallow. 


...things get complex as we reach the stomach. 

​First things first.  

​The stomach breaks things down to a consistency where it can move on to the small intestine. During this time, other organs pitch in to move things along.

And then we have the large intestine, or colon.

Here’s where we really begin to understand whether or not the process has gone well.

Today, we’re discussing best probiotics for diarrhea

But more than that, how you can alleviate it and restore your system with probiotics.

Can the introduction of bacteria lead to better digestive health?

We’re about to find out.

Why Best Probiotics for Diarrhea?

good bacteria, bad bacteria

As health secrets go, probiotics will always be a hot topic.

In fact, it’s one we’ve tackled before.

It’s great to revisit it from time to time as research improves. You’ll find that our understanding of them evolves pretty fast.

These days, we know much more about how gut health affects total health.

​Here’s what I mean…

Maintaining a strong colony of good bacteria in the gut can:

There’s little question that quality probiotic foods and supplements can have a positive effect on multiple areas of your life.

However, what kind of probiotics you take is extremely important in healing your problems.

For that reason, you should learn as much as possible about your own body.

Your body has unique preferences and conditions.

Unfortunately, you cannot purchase any old bottle of probiotic pills and expect huge changes.

probiotic pills

If you look far enough into it, you’ll discover what bacterial strains are best for the condition you’re treating. Later on, I’ll ​explain some more about that.

Another consideration made by various studies involves taking multiple strains. Combining different strains may be more effective.

Still, the use of probiotics is by no means a modern idea.

Their use dates back to biblical times.

​Let me clarify…

People back then would just let dairy get sour (hello, ancient yogurt). Originally, the purpose was to heal digestive issues.

Yes, far and away, the most common use is for better digestion

In 1908, study on research concerning bacteria and gut health won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

In summary, the specifics about what kind of probiotic matters.

Yet we’ll never stop reaching for them for digestive disorders.

With diarrhea of various origins, studies indicate probiotics reduce the duration by a whole day.

Why Do You Have Diarrhea?

​Let me lift the veil for you…

This is rarely a standalone condition. 

It’s usually a symptom.

How you approach the treatment will vary depending on why you’re suffering ​ from it. 

That even applies to probiotics. You’ll use different strains depending on the cause.

​You want to be sure that what you have is actually diarrhea. It involves the usual cramping and bloating. 

Most importantly, the continual passing of loose and watery stool classifies it as such.  

diarrhea woman

The average adult experiences it approximately once per year. So it’s safe to say it’s a rather common occurrence.

The causes, of course, will vary.

Here are a few common culprits.

1. Antibiotics for Bacterial Infection

 When you’re fighting any kind of infection, antibiotics are your doctor’s solution. Their purpose is to kill bacteria that are causing the infection.

But in the process, they also kill the good bacteria that sustain gut health.

Therefore, if the symptoms of your infection didn’t originally include diarrhea, you can find yourself with it before getting better.

Your doctor is the best person to decide whether or not you need antibiotics.

doctor antibiotics

But you should still understand they can complicate getting better.  

It also must be said that we take more than we actually need. This is more of a problem among older populations.

Additionally, it’s more relevant to those who have digestive disorders even when they’re not on antibiotics.

They experience more problems with the gut due to antibiotics than other people. 

To prevent symptoms associated with this cause, ask your nurse or doctor about taking probiotics along with the antibiotics.

Antibiotics can cause yeast infections, too. That’s another problem probiotics can solve, so it’s not unusual to take both. 

2. ​​Virus vs ​Bacteria ​Symptoms

 Unfortunately, this cause is familiar to us all.

Food poisoning and viruses such as rotavirus  can cause major problems at both ends.

With viruses, diarrhea lasts from three to seven days. You might also have a fever and nausea or vomiting.

With bacteria, things vary a bit more.

For example, some cases of food poisoning are gone in 24 hours. Others, however, can produce symptoms for up to a week.

food poisoning

Listeria? A few months.

Diarrhea from bacteria includes what’s known as traveler’s diarrhea. This is where you become sick due to exposure to foreign bacteria in food or water.

3. Types of Digestive Disorders

Diarrhea is a key symptom found among those with Crohn’s disease, IBS, and more.

It can be chronic, lasting a month or longer. More often, it’s intermittent, coming and going over time.

A sudden episode causes these people to miss out on daily life and avoid many events. The need to use the bathroom can be urgent, as well as very painful.

Among these disorders, inflammation and food that moves through you too quickly are the causes.

Probiotics, as well as unusual-sounding therapies like fecal transplantation, can reduce episodes.

Patients also learn over time what the symptoms of an incoming flare-up are for them.

They often develop their own ways to try and reduce the severity before it’s in full swing. An increase in probiotic foods can be among the measures they take. 

4. Food Allergies and Intolerances  

This is all too familiar for the lactose and gluten intolerant among us.

Diarrhea is one of the worst symptoms to occur when we have a lapse in judgment.  

Many will say, “Hey, I don’t have any allergies!”

food allergy

But you don’t have to have an allergy. Certain foods can still cause massive upset for you.

Allergies are the result of an immune system response.

Intolerance involves the gut’s inability to process the offending ingredient.

With dairy and gluten, you can have an intolerance without being allergic.

Allergies are more dangerous to your health in the immediate sense. Still, if you’re intolerant to a food you should avoid it. 

The most common foods people are allergic to are milk, eggs, peanuts, soy, and shellfish.

Intolerance is also more often seen among dairy, eggs, and soy. 

To round things out, here are a few slightly less-common causes you may have never expected:

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    ​​Long-distance running - As you train for that 10k, the intestines are sacrificing blood flow that goes to the legs. This can result in what we call “runner’s trots”. 

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    Alcohol - People who abuse alcohol regularly may experience diarrhea, but so can those who have that occasional binge. Hence, it’s a relatively common hangover symptom. 

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    ​​Diabetes - Neuropathy can cause diarrhea. The same goes for artificial sweeteners and medication. So if you’re diabetic, you’ve have to take an even closer look. 
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    ​​Medication - Certain medications given during chemotherapy, as well as antidepressants and antacids, may cause diarrhea. 
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    ​​Caffeine - We all know a cup of coffee can get your bowels moving. But too much can be very irritating. 
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    ​​Fatty foods - Eating large portions of high-fat foods can give you a temporary case of diarrhea. In particular, those with IBS should watch fat intake. 

​​How Fast Do Probiotics Work for Diarrhea

More often than not, people attempt to treat diarrhea with over-the-counter drugs.

To be fair, these are really effective at slowing down your digestive system. This way, it won’t empty itself so rapidly.

They can also harden stools. That can make having a bowel movement pretty difficult.

Overall, they just alleviate the symptoms.

They do nothing to address the reason why you’re experiencing it.

On the other hand, probiotics are not a bandage.


They’re a healing balm.

You may not get the fast relief OTC drugs provide, but you’ll be giving your body what it truly needs to recover.

Furthermore, there are no secrets when it comes to hydration.

Dehydration from diarrhea is both common and dangerous.

Are you thirsty, weak, and light-headed when you have it?

Begin drinking electrolyte solutions as soon as you can.

The Best Bacteria Strains for Diarrhea

​Check out what strains of bacteria can help you get your gut back on track. 

Here are several strains known to treat diarrhea from specific causes. 

Viruses and Infections:

Can you think of a worse phrase than “infectious diarrhea”?

That’s what the medical community calls diarrhea from viruses we discussed above, like rotavirus.

Gastroenterologists think that the strains L. rhamnosus, L. casei, and L. reuteri may help here.

As far as prevention goes, these three are just okay. In the case of bacterial diarrhea, such as best probiotics for travelers diarrhea, their prevention powers are even smaller.

bacterial illustration

​bacterial illustration

But we all know what happens when the season of sickness comes to our house.

If you want something that can perhaps prevent, but definitely treat - Shop now at Amazon.com, go with L. rhamnosus.

Best Probiotics for Diarrhea IBS 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome:

Anyone who suffers from it can tell you - treating IBS is really tough.

irritable bowel syndrome

There’s no big consensus on what works best.

But with the understanding that probiotics can help us manage diarrhea from IBS, here’s a strain to try.

Usually, B. infantis will have some numbers behind it. One large study using B. infantis 35624 saw patients enjoying a reduction in bloating, cramping, and gas.

S. boulardii is another strain that may have benefits. One study notes that it works better than a placebo. It isn’t useless, but it’s also not the cure you’re looking for.

Antibiotic Use:

However, if you already have that S. boulardii, don’t trash it. It’s pretty effective at dealing with diarrhea from antibiotic use. With studies on diarrhea and antibiotics, researchers are more likely to focus in on prevention.


Is probiotics good for diarrhea?

This bolsters the idea that we should start probiotics at the same time we begin antibiotics.

Also good for this kind are Lactobacillus strains. These can include L. casei and the very popular L. acidophilus. That is a strain that’s easy to find in yogurt.

Therefore, buying a special supplement or consulting a doctor may not even be necessary.

Food Intolerance and Allergies:

Finally, are you having a reaction to something you ate or drank?

Is that due to an allergy or sensitivity?

Probiotics shouldn’t be the first thing on your mind. They’re a better choice for replenishing bacteria once you’re on steadier ground. 

And in the long term, they can help you fend off the nastier aspects of your condition. This may include intestinal permeability.

The key takeaway is that for issues like intolerance, probiotics should be introduced slowly.  

Increase them in stages for long-term health. They may not be a great off-the-cuff cure.

All of that said, it seems like you can’t go wrong with a trusty L. strain.

People with less natural Lactobacillus may have a greater chance of having allergies and intolerances in the first place.

Quick Tips for: Picking The 

Best Probiotics for Diarrhea

Selecting an effective probiotic can be complicated.

But here’s a checklist of things the perfect probiotic will include:

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    Opaque packaging 
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    ​​A coating that guarantees the bacteria can survive the stomach and meet the intestine 
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    ​​Multiple strains 
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    A dosage low enough to choose how much you want to take on any given day 
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    Third-party testing seal  
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    ​​Favorable reviews where the product was not given to consumers for free 

You can also eat and drink probiotics with:

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    ​​Fortified dairy products like milk 

​That’s about all ​I have for 

​Best Probiotics for Diarrhea

Diarrhea is more than just uncomfortable and inconvenient.

It’s really dangerous when you factor in the high risk of dehydration. It’s not a condition that anyone should adjust to or not act upon.

But to truly treat it, you need to figure out why you have it.

It can be caused by:

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    ​​Fatty foods or foods you are   intolerant to 
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    Use or even overuse of antibiotic medications  
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    ​​Viruses and bacterial infections 
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    ​​Medications we take for other conditions, like cancer and diabetes 
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    ​​Activities like traveling to foreign places and running for long distances 
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    ​​Conditions such as Crohn’s disease and IBS 

Probiotics are one way to treat diarrhea from most of these conditions.

In some cases, it can prevent it.

Just remember that “probiotic” isn’t as specific as it gets. There are a lot of bacterial strains that will be best for treating your type. 

It’s time for you to weigh in.

Do you have any secrets to ending or avoiding diarrhea?

What’s your favorite probiotic?

What kind of strains does it include?

Let me know below, and I’ll be back soon with more to share. 

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