Exposed: 15 Hormone-Killing Foods You Should NEVER Eat

Exposed: 15 Hormone-Killing Foods You Should NEVER Eat

Exposed: 15 Hormone-Killing Foods You Should NEVER Eat

Want to lose weight?

Here’s a secret: low-calorie and low-fat everything just doesn’t work.

In fact, you might be doing more harm by restricting yourself. You have to keep your hormones happy if you want a slimmer, more functional body.

Of course, weight loss is largely about food. And guess what, your hormones care what you eat, too! Starvation diets and so-called “diet foods” do not support hormonal balance. 

Keep reading for more on that, but first, I want to warn you.

Some of the hormone-killing foods I caution you to never eat will come as a total surprise.

I know I was in shock!

It’s all about eating the right healthy foods, and knowing which ones to avoid. I’m going to clue you in on both right now. Lose the weight, keep it off for good, and support hormonal balance by avoiding these 15 foods:

1. Lets start with Soy.

soy amino acids protein vitamins fiber phytoestrogens

Soy definitely has its good points. It has amino acids, protein, vitamins, and fiber. It’s a common substitute for many meats and dairy products.


It also contains isoflavones, which act as phytoestrogens in the body.

High estrogen levels in premenopausal people are thought to be responsible for a range of problems. 

For starters, infertility and early puberty are possible. But then there’s also the fact that soy phytoestrogens are much weaker than natural estrogen.

Watch this two minute video on how soy effects your hormones.

What happens when soy isoflavones take the place of our natural estrogen?

We may be disrupting the natural balance with a less effective stand-in. Now, to be clear, not all phytoestrogens are bad. But soy frequently undergoes genetic modification and chemically processed, so read labels and try to reduce the amount you get.

2. ​Your favorite morning beverage... Coffee!

coffeenatural hormone balance stress harmones abdominal fat

Oh no, not our precious coffee! 

Honestly, if you’re striving for natural hormone balance, this is one of the first things to let go of. You know coffee prevents the production of hormones that put you to sleep. 

But did you know that it increases production of stress harmones?

Yes, I’m talking about cortisol. 

Think about the nature of caffeine; it makes you feel awake. It does this by triggering a stress response in the body. Your cortisol and epinephrine levels rise, and this is one cause of excess abdominal fat.

3. How about Sodas?

soda sodas excess sugar

Soda consumption is declining. It is at a 30 year low in the U.S.

Here is why:

That’s great news! 

However, I know some people still give into cravings for it, and with good reason. 

A 20-ounce bottle of soda contains close to the maximum amount of sugar you should have in one day. A drink that sweet can cause a dependency issue quickly.

Excess sugar is a hormonal nightmare. The spike in insulin increases testosterone production while suppressing your sex hormone binding globulin. Just say no!

4. Canola oil

The real problem with canola oil is that it’s so prevalent in our diets. Avoid oils such as canola, which are high in polyunsaturated fats. Like soy, these oils are also estrogenic hormone disruptors.

5. Dairy milk

dairy milk

Look, the truth about the dairy industry is pretty frightening.

The sheer number of cows needed to produce the amount of dairy we consume is staggering. Meanwhile, these cows are being treated with growth hormones and antibiotics.

But wait, there's more:

Here is a short 2 minute video explaining how milk is a promoter of chronic diseases.

And actually...

Even if you buy organic milk from untreated cows, they still contain plenty of hormones. The androgenic hormones and estrogen naturally found in milk wreak havoc on your own hormonal balance. 

They can elevate your risk of cancer and cause blood sugar instability.

Finally, milk can cause acne. That’s why it’s widely recommended that acne-sufferers skip dairy.

6. Let’s take a look at Licorice.

licorice candy

Licorice - when you want a little candy, it seems like a healthier option. But if you’re premenopausal, nix all foods that include licorice root. It sneaks in often as a flavoring agent.

This is important.

The estrogenic activity of licorice is astounding. It has been found to be greater than that of prescriptions used in hormone replacement therapy. Licorice does have many health benefits, but maintaining naturally balanced hormones isn’t one of them.

7. Agave nectar.

Here’s another hormone-killing food that we previously thought was healthy. Agave nectar, or agave syrup, came onto the health food scene as a replacement for refined sugar.

Unfortunately, agave contains more fructose than high fructose corn syrup! Too much fructose can lead to leptin resistance. Leptin is a hormone that tells you when you’re full. That means that regular eating agave can cause you to overeat.

8. Corn and corn byproducts.

corn corn byproducts

There’s been a lot of controversy around the genetic modification of corn. 

One side effect that has been widely debated is the effect it has on cancer risk and hormonal imbalance. Studies indicate that estrogen-testosterone imbalance is common with long-term consumption.

However, it’s not just about quitting the cob. You’re eating corn without knowing it

For example:

It’s in soft drinks, baked goods, and meat. Read all labels to identify what hormone killing GMO corn products are in your foods.

9. Beef.

Like dairy cows, cows used for meat are exposed to things that can end up harming us, too. They eat a corn-based diet and receive hormone injections

Unless you know exactly where your beef came from, consider it contaminated.

Also, check out how lean your beef is. A diet that’s too high in saturated fat can cause an imbalance between estrogen and testosterone.

You shouldn’t abstain from fat completely, as it’s essential to hormone-building, but don’t rest on burgers.

10. French fries, too.

french fries potatoes canola

I love potatoes. 

In fact, they might be my favorite carbohydrate. The problem here isn’t with potatoes, though. It’s the oil we use to fry them. Unlike some other vegetables, fried potatoes are like a sponge for bad oils.

We just read (above) that many cooking oils like canola are hormone disruptors. Eat your potatoes, but don’t soak them in boiling oil. Bake them with just a little olive oil instead.

11. Whole grains.

Wait, really? 

Yes, I’m afraid so. 

Whole grains are an excellent source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Not to mention, they’re really filling! But did you know that gluten is a hormone disruptor.

Chances are, you or someone you know suffers from gluten sensitivity. Yet, even if you’re fine with gluten, eating too much can be hard on your adrenal glands.

In fact, an existing hormone imbalance may cause gluten sensitivity. 

Your body is basically telling you that while your hormones are out of sorts, you shouldn’t eat grain. And there’s no better source of information than your own body.

12. “Diet” anything.

Reduced-fat snack foods!

Diet sodas!

Sugar-free candy!

These are three hormone killers you must promise to never eat. They often feature massive quantities of artificial sweeteners.

Artificial sweeteners are low calorie, but actually contribute to weight gain by tricking the metabolism. When your metabolism is confused, that can mean the thyroid hasn’t been able to produce the hormones that regulate metabolism.

13. Protein bars.

protein bars soy protein

There’s a time and a place for protein bars. 

I’ll explain.

If you have a strenuous activity you have to get to, like moving house furniture or running a marathon, have one. Still, that’s only if there’s nothing else substantial enough.

Marketing makes them seem healthy, but protein bars often contain a lot of sugar.

More than that, they contain soy protein. The labels on these bars are a recipe for increasing estrogen the dietary way - that’s not natural.

14. Granola.

Sneaky, sneaky. 

The problem with granola bars is that they contain bad oil and fake honey. These oils, as we are now well aware, promote a diet high in bad fat that increases blood estrogen. Excess estrogen, even from plants, makes it tough to get lean.

Here is something else pretty interesting:

And yes, the sticky-sweet honey found in granola clusters and bars. This often is nothing more than corn syrup with a little sprinkle of pollen. This only provides more high concentrations of processed fructose.

As we know now, that spells bad news for weight loss and hormonal balance.

15. Frozen dinners.

Can you believe that TV dinners were ever so popular?

Once television hit living rooms across America, it was very modern to eat a TV dinner in front of it. But now we know the truth about such meals.

In particular, frozen heat-and-eat meals are among the worst things for your body to deal with. Not only do they contain preservatives and other chemicals, but the food within is quite old.

Here is why...

Even with all of those preservatives, oils used in frozen dinners can go rancid. This can cause vascular disease, skin aging, and prostaglanin imbalances

Prostaglanins are hormones located everywhere in your body. They control inflammatory response and have a hand in regulating the female reproductive system.

What You Should Eat Instead

I’d never tell you what to avoid without providing alternatives. So, what do we reach for in the quest for optimal hormonal balance that enables fat loss?

Healthy fats.

Bad fat is one of our worst offenders among hormone killing foods. Avoid chemical processing found in items like canola, peanut, and vegetable oils. Even margarine needs to leave your life for good.

Instead, get fat from nuts, avocados, and good oils. Good oils include extra virgin olive and virgin coconut oils

extra virgin olive oil virgin coconut oil

Extra virgin olive oil, in particular, is known to help balance hormones and stimulates leptin production. That way, you don’t overeat.

Olive and coconut oils are both clean, natural sources of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). MUFAs are better for those with insulin sensitivity and can reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high cholesterol. Just try not to over heat the oils; over heating can destroy vital nutrients.

Avocados contain beta-sitosterol.  Beta-sitosterol helps control cortisol levels. That’s right, this healthy fat can prevent fat from collecting around your middle!


Yes, vegetables are part of every healing diet, and for good reason. To balance hormones, I’d recommend concentrating on getting more cruciferous vegetables into your diet.

Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage, and brussels sprouts. These are known to reduce your risk of certain cancers, thanks in part to indole-3-carbinol.

Indole-3-carbinol can halt overproduction of estrogen that leads to breast cancer. Due to the modern Western diet, premenopausal people are estrogen dominant, so counter this with cruciferous veggies.

Wholesome protein.

You can’t skip protein; it’s our energy source. 

One of the most troubling symptoms of hormonal imbalance is low energy. Ditch the red meat and get moving with fish, eggs, pea protein, and hemp protein.

If you’re not on a plant-based diet, don’t shy away from egg yolks. Farm-fresh eggs from chickens that haven’t been treated with hormones are best. 

Worried about cholesterol? Actually, if you just have one egg a day, you won’t be exceeding the guidelines for cholesterol intake.

More unfamiliar sources like pea and hemp protein are easy to use and packed with protein. 

For example...

One chocolate shake made with organic hemp protein contains 8 grams per serving. Some varieties of organic pea protein clock in at 21 grams per shake. 

That’s nearly half of your recommended intake in one simple, delicious smoothie.

Herbs and spices.

herbs spices blood sugar hormone-balancing foods

Finally, give your hormone-balancing foods tons of vibrant flavor with cinnamon, turmer​ic, cayenne pepper, and ginger.

Cinnamon is shown to have a stabilizing effect on blood sugar

Turmeric reduces inflammation, and is also an emmenagogue. Emmenagogues increase blood flow to the pelvic area and can help regulate menstrual cycles in women with hormonal imbalances.

Also, ginger is a mild emmenagogue. Cayenne pepper improves circulation and metabolism, two processes essential to healthy hormones.

Here Is The Bottom Line

You know, there are few health issues more important than proper hormonal balance. When you skip the hormone killing foods, the benefits are awesome. Hormonal balance gives you:

  • arrow-right
    ​​​Less body fat
  • arrow-right
    ​More energy 
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    ​​​Better skin
  • arrow-right
    ​​​A healthy reproductive system

And much more!

As usual, I’m curious to know what you think. Which of my hormone killing foods came as the biggest shock to you? Which hormone-friendly foods are your favorites? Help our growing community by sharing your opinion.

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