Smoothie for Constipation in Toddler – Which is The Best

​I know what you’re thinking... ​

...can smoothie for constipation in toddler really help? 

smoothie for constipation in toddler

Do you remember your first foray into potty training?

I know I do.

There are so many bumps in the road you don’t expect. 

For example...

...some kids would rather avoid going altogether before even thinking about sitting down on the toilet. 

And another thing:

​You can get a lot of cardio rushing them to the toilet constantly, no matter where you are!

​But that’s not all… 

Another side effect we don’t expect when potty training is constipation.

While it happens to kids of all ages, it might be of special concern during toilet training.

I’ll tell you why a little later... 

Today, we’re focusing on constipation in little ones.

What is it ... why does it happen ... and can smoothie for constipation in toddler help? 

No matter where your child is on their potty training journey, it’s a topic we all need to address. 

Is My Child Constipated?

To be sure ... one of the toughest things to figure out is if your child is refusing to go ... or really can’t go.

constipated toddler

Here are a few ways to tell if a toddler is actually constipated.

Increase in accidents.

At first, training was going so well.

But now, your child begins wetting their pants again.

Also, there’s loose stool in their diaper or underwear.

This can be constipation for a few reasons. Wetting themselves or the bed more frequently may indicate that there’s pressure on the bladder.

As the waste collects in their small intestine, it expands, and may make urination more urgent and difficult to control.

Second, loose stool might be seepage.

Anything more watery than the hardening mass in their intestines can leak through.

They might not feel anything as it happens. Therefore, they’re less likely to alert you to it or try to get to a toilet.

Upset or aching tummy.

In general... should examine all of the major reasons kids get bellyaches.

Still, the most common reason is constipation.

If it’s been a few days since you’ve seen actual evidence they’ve had a bowel movement, it’s probably constipation.

Moreover, this pain will most likely be present in the abdominal area, below the belly button.

Hard stools, small stools, large stools, infrequent stools.

Just because a child can and does poop doesn’t mean they’re not constipated.

toddler on toilet trying to poop

If your child works hard at passing a stool, and only hard pellets come out, they’re experiencing constipation.

There’s also cause for concern if they only go every few days.

We see this with kids who go infrequently, but pass an abnormally large stool.

A healthy stool should not be of a firm, recognizable shape.

Needing “privacy” to use their diaper.

During toilet training, your child might request a diaper or training pants, or wear one regularly just in case.

When they have to go number two, they may hide in a certain place to do it. 

On one hand, this can be a sign of potty training progress.

Kids learn that going to the bathroom is something done in private.

However, this behavior can also manifest when they need to “concentrate” or strain to pass a stool. 

Common Reasons Kids Encounter Constipation

Once you know the problem, the cause is of utmost importance.

Because constipation is common, there’s typically little cause for concern. That is to say, you can personally take steps to mitigate the cause.


One unusual side effect your child may encounter during toilet training is dehydration.

toddlers drinking smoothies for dehydration

Kids may start to refuse liquids because it means they’ll have to go to the toilet.

Dehydration is a known cause on constipation among all age groups.

If your child gets enough fluid, increasing the amount won’t help.

Assess their intake and increase if they get less than 1.3 liters daily.

That’s the standard for kids ages one to three.

Poor diet.

Toddlers are notoriously picky eaters.

The truth is, that steady stream of chicken nuggets and French fries may be to blame. Foods that kids like tend to not contain enough fiber.

Generally, toddlers require 19 grams of fiber daily.

For comparison, the average chicken nugget contains less than half a gram.

Coming up...

...we’ll look at foods you can include to increase their fiber.

Food allergies and sensitivities.

If your toddler deals with constipation more often than normal, it might be an allergy.

Dairy is usually the culprit, with constipation as a side effect being common in those under four years old.

If you could consider the constipation “chronic”, meaning it lasts for two weeks, ask for testing from your pediatrician.


Our kids are getting prescriptions more often, at younger ages.

toddler and medication

The decision to do so is between you and the family doctor, but some drugs list constipation as a side effect.

Meds for mood disorders are chief among these, but even cold medicine can be the cause.

Changes in routine.

Have you ever had trouble staying regular on vacation, or at someone else’s house?

Toddlers encounter the same trouble.

In fact, it can be even worse if they’re toilet training.

They may develop anxieties about unfamiliar bathrooms. Even if they’re not anxious outwardly, deviations from their normal routine can lead to constipation. 

Not enough exercise.

With toddlers, keeping them still is a real challenge. But if your kid’s been sick, injured, or otherwise less active, they may not go as regularly.

While the intestines do a pretty good job of moving things along, spending time upright and moving is necessary.


Emotional distress and anxiety can be a cause of constipation.

In particular, anxiety triggers the release of chemicals which put your body into fight, flight, or freeze mode.

This slows digestion.

Your child may also be anxious about toilet training in general.

What begins as a hesitancy or refusal to poop can turn into a bodily habit.

Often, toddlers who are in a rush to get toilet time over with will stop before they’re really finished. 


Any of the above causes may apply, but if symptoms get severe, seek medical attention.

toddler getting medical exam by pediatrician

You should get your child to a doctor right away if their tummy is swollen.

The same goes if they haven’t gone in more than a week.

Furthermore, extra symptoms like fever, vomiting, and weight loss warrant a pediatrician.

Also, it’s not unheard of for blood to appear in stool during constipation.

The strain can cause small tears in the rectum. This too means a trip to the doctor.

Finally, there are some medical conditions that can cause this kind of problem.

One of these is Hirschsprung disease, although thyroid conditions can be to blame as well.

See a doctor to be sure, but this type of cause is infinitely rarer than the others above.

Best Natural Foods for Constipation

If you see a pediatrician, they might prescribe or recommend laxatives for your child.

Still, there are plenty of foods that can help remedy constipation.

fruits and vegetables

These are also good picks for every child to help prevent poor digestion and sluggish bowels. 

  • Apples 
  • Spinach 
  • Pears 
  • Carrots 
  • Peaches 
  • Pineapple 
  • Yogurt (if not sensitive to dairy) 
  • Avocado 
  • Grapes 
  • Peas 
  • Beans 
  • Coconut oil 
  • Coconut milk 
  • Berries
  • Flax 

The majority of these foods are beneficial because they contain fiber and water.

In the end, these are the two most necessary variables for preventing constipation.

Moreover, they’re good sources of many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for healthy kids.

There’s just one problem.

A lot of kids struggle to eat healthy foods, especially green things! That’s why a smoothie for constipation in toddler is really the perfect solution.

Six Toddler Smoothies to Get Things Moving

I’ve shared some pretty tasty toddler smoothies here "How to Make Smoothies for Toddlers Weight Gain"​. 

However, now we’re on a quest for the ultimate smoothie for constipation in toddler tummies.

Many are high-fiber smoothies, with a focus on fruits that encourage healthier stools.

They also don’t taste like vegetables, and contribute to adequate hydration.

1. Berry Probiotic Smoothie

The probiotics in yogurt can help balance out disruptive gut conditions like constipation.

berry probiotic smoothie

For this triple berry treat, you’ll need:

  • 1/3 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen) 
  • 1/3 cup strawberries 
  • 1/3 cup raspberries 
  • ½ cup plain or vanilla yogurt (ensure there are live active cultures) 
  • ½ cup cold coconut milk 
  • A few ice cubes 

Add all ingredients to a high-speed blender - click for price and blend until smooth. 

Berries can be a little less sweet than other fruits.

Therefore, you might need to tempt your toddler to drink this by adding a little honey or turbinado sugar - click for price.

It all depends how ripe the fruit is; see if you can get away without adding any sugar!

2. Grape Goodness Smoothie

A good source of insoluble fiber, grapes are one of the very best foods for constipation.

Like most other fruits, they work best when you leave the skin on

This smoothie is really easy to make. All you need is:

  • 1 ½ cups frozen grapes 
  • 1/3 cup yogurt 
  • ½ cup water 

All ingredients can be added at once to blend. It’s also worth keeping frozen grapes around as a snack - they’re a great treat for every day.

3. Awesome Avocado Green Smoothie

Despite their creamy texture, avocados are also high in fiber.

avocado green smoothie

In general, avocado is a great pick for kids because they’re easy for developing systems to tolerate and absorb.

Here is what you’ll need for this smoothie, :

  • 1 pear, cored but unpeeled 
  • ½ an avocado 
  • ½ a frozen banana 
  • 1 cup of baby spinach 
  • 1 cup of coconut milk, plus a splash more for best consistency 

Blend your spinach and milk together first to really break down the greens.

Add the rest and blend away until smooth.

One important note about bananas: they should be very ripe, with a spotty skin. 

This is because less-ripe bananas are often used to “bind” stool.

In fact, some believe bananas cause constipation.

This is unlikely unless you eat a lot of them. They’re a good source of natural sugar and fiber.

4. Strawberry-Peach Coconut Smoothie

Have you ever used coconut oil for constipation in toddlers?

It can work for you, too, thanks to the medium-chain fatty acids.

Just as it speeds up the metabolism, it can help the intestines to get moving, too.

This smoothie needs:

If none of your fruit is frozen, you might want to add a few ice cubes.

There’s also a trick to properly blending coconut oil into a cold smoothie.

If solid, melt the oil down to a liquid state. Slowly drizzle it in as you blend. This prevents the oil from forming solid clumps. 

Additionally, you can use coconut oil for constipation in babies.

In that case, reduce the coconut oil to half a teaspoon, melt it, and mix it in with their food. 

5. Tropical Island Smoothie

If you’ve never had carrot juice, it’s sweeter than you think.

tropical island smoothie

When you add pineapple, you get a smoothie with veggies that is an easy substitute for your toddler’s juice box. 

Get together:

Blend everything together well.

In case you didn’t know, pineapple is a pretty famous natural laxative. The fiber and water go a long way here, but pineapple is also all about enzymes.

Its most famous, bromelain, is a great digestive aid.

6. Peach Punch Smoothie

Do you worry that prune juice might be a little bit much for your toddler?

Its relative the peach is just the ticket.

Peaches are a member of the Prunus fruit family of stone fruit.

They’re effective, but gentler than the dried plums Grandma swears by.  

Not to mention, they taste better.

For the Peach Punch, you’ll need:

  • 1 cup frozen peach slices 
  • ½ cup plain yogurt 
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil 
  • 1 cup orange juice, freshly squeezed or guaranteed pure 

Here, using orange juice with pulp might be best, just for the extra fiber.

The fiber and minerals in orange juice make it quite a common - although surprising - recommendation from many pediatricians. 

​Below is a short video from ​Nurse Dan​i explaining ​some of the signs you should be watching out for to detect when your toddler is constipated.

​Well as they say, all good things must come to an end.

Now what do you think of...

​Smoothie for Constipation in Toddler?

Feeling bad because your little one is feeling bad?


​Constipation in toddlers is really normal.

As they grow, they have to adjust to a wider diet and learn new skills, like using a toilet.

Since toddlers don’t have the best judgment, this transition can be a little difficult.

That’s where you step in and take over with appropriate lifestyle measures. These include:

  • Making sure they spend enough time on the toilet 
  • Ensuring they get enough fiber 
  • Encouraging them to drink water 
  • Engaging in play and physical activity 
  • Seeing a doctor about allergy testing and chronic constipation 
  • Speaking to them about their emotions surrounding potty training fears, as well as other changes occurring at home. 

There’s nothing like a good bout of constipation to throw all of your hard training off track.

I want to know how you handle this.

Have you ever tried a smoothie for constipation in toddler digestive systems?

What else works for you? 

Share below, and I’ll be back very soon with more of the best secrets. 

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